Step 1. 
Each student is required to research any three educational website and make sure it is educational and evaluate what is good and what is bad about these educational websites.

The Pros
  •  It is interacting (animations and audio, it also provides a short quiz to test the user's understanding of the topic) and interesting (instead of just words, it has animation), it can attract the attention from the user
  •  Short and sweet, straight to the point, and easy to understand
  •  It has a print option (You can print out and read instead of going back to the website)
  • No need to login, anyone can use at anytime
The Cons
  • No pause button, you have to listen it thoroughly and re listen if you miss a point.
  • Loading is slow. Even if it is a good educational website, some people just hate to wait and will leave the web.
  • It cannot be fast forward
  • When the website done teaching, It doesn't have the 'Start' or 'Main' button to go back to the start. 
Need to press the Backward< button to go back the first page

Did the website successfully meet the needs of its target audience (example students)?
This website did meet the needs of the target audience. The target audience will be student in primary school. As kids have short attention span, thus animation can attract their attention. It also provide quiz to test their understandings. The web is also easy to understand.

Step 2 
Select a topic that interest you.

- The topic that i will be going to do is DBIS - Database Constraint


The goals and objective for the e-learning package:
Students are able to
  • Identify and describe different types of key and constraint
  • Describe/ explain reasons why operation from the database succeed or fail.
State what impact is intended on the audience
The audience should wonder what a database constraint is and why is it important. 
Target Audience
Students must state clearly the target audience for the ID project. A good write up s
hould include brief description of the profile of the user.
The target audience will be polytechnic students who are studying the subject DBIS age range from 17 to 20.  
Most teenagers have short attention span for studying thus it would be bad if the e-learning is too wordy. This is because most students find that a wordy lecture slides are painful to read at and it is difficult to find the main points. Also, some students rely on examples given in order to understand the lesson so my e-learning will include more examples than explanation. Images will be added as well. Some student prefer a short quiz at the end so that they can test on how much they have understood. last but not least, the color of the e-learning lecture slides should not be too bright as it will hurt the eyes of the user and the fonts should not be too small as student will just ignore the slides.
Description of the content that is relevant to the target audience. 
- Not wordy and pictures are added to attract the user's attention.
- Fonts of 14 and dark colors that are comfort for the eyes.
- Example given and quiz to test the user's understanding.
Will it interest the target audience?
It will not be wordy because I plan to use more examples rather than explaining it with a whole chunk of paragraphs. Therefore, the students might be interested in solving the questions from the examples rather than just plainly read through the slide. (Examples that come with Question and answers)
Will the target audience benefit?
Yes. From beginning with zero understanding and after going through my lecture slides, they will gain the knowledge on how to read and understand database, and they should be able to explain why the operation succeed or fail when you insert or delete a tuple or an attribute.

Needs Assessment

Describe general topic for which they wish to develop an instructional program.
The subject will be database information system  and the topic is database constraint.  What is database? A database is a collection of data that is organized so that its contents can easily be accessed, managed, and updated. The topic database constraint is about the different type of key and constraint, and learners should be able to identify the problem if the update fail.

Describe who the learners are. Include any relevant learner characteristic.
The learners are polytechnic students age range from 17 to 20, who are studying the DBIS subject. Their characteristic might be - hate to wait and hate to read long text. Therefore, as i mentioned above about from the content of the target audience, my e-learning won't be wordy and interactive.

Describe the instructional need - what learners can't do that they want them be able to do.
They will want to attempt the problem before finish reading the slide, thinking that they are able to solve it without having to go through the whole slides. But it will be a problem because they will get wrong. It is important to learn step by step as you will miss out the important points if you skipped. Also, learners will

Describes why they think the need can be addressed by instruction.
The needs can be addressed by instruction because I think that all they want is to learn the topic fast. It is easier to do work when you follow what is being instructed. For example, if you forget how to do a particular question, you can refer to the example given.

Describes the learners what they want to accomplish their goal.
They will want to understand the topic well so that they can apply this to the next topic. Also, I think that some of the learners will want to score full marks for the quiz given. 

Describes what the learners should be able to do
They should be able to pass the quiz and understand the topic.

Describes the context in which the learners will attempt to accomplish the goal
In order to accomplish the goal, the e-learning web need to be interesting for the learners so that they will be motivated to read on/learn.

Describe the tools that will be available to the learners.
I have decided to use flash and only flash to do this e-learning. This is because by using flash, I can create quizzes and animation. Even though the web can still be improve by editing it with Dreamweaver, but i think that it would be too difficult for me. However, I will still ensure that the e-learning interface is not dull.

Describes how they would tell the learners accomplished the goal.
As mentioned above, they should be able to pass the quiz given on the first attempt, if they only pass at the second or third attempt, then they need to buck up more.

 Objective given.

Start of topic 1. 

Topic 1 theory

Short tutorial
