The tools that will be used are Flash, Hot Potatoes, Audacity, Dreamweaver and i might try out new software such as Microsoft Learning Content Development system.
(This is the navigation map for the e-courseware)
Colors of the e-courseware will be based on what colors attract teens and keeping them motivated. As mentioned in step 2 certain colors will give certain impressions to the viewers. So it might be a color that allows viewers to feel that the materials is reliable enough for their age. Most probably the color will be blue. As this is only the storyboard, the color will be shown on the real e-courseware in week 8.
Homepage: chatbox is beside the slides to allow interaction. Button and help are included
Once you click on slide you will see this, it's a main content page where users are able to click on "sensory", "short term", "long term" or "conclusion/game" so that they can go to different parts of the slides if they want.
In the sensory memory slides.A Brief Description and an Image. This will apply to different slides such as short term memory and long term memory. With images, learners' attention will be caught. Arrows below allows the learner to skip to the next slide/page if they want to - this will allow learner to have the freedom instead of waiting for the slides to be move on to the next page.
What is cognitive psychology? is the study of perception, learning, memory and thought. (1 slide)
Sensory Memory :
Duration of how long can the thing last in sensory memory
Iconic, Echoic,Haptic --> All will have 1 slide on its own.
How does it transfer to Short term memory
Short Term Memory:
Duration 15-20 seconds (1 Slide)
Chunking --> Further elaboration of chunking on one page.
How does it transfer to long term memory
Long Term Memory:
Rehearsal (1 Slide)
Pros and Cons -- E.g Cons: Difficult to retrieve information once it's being stored for a long time (1 Slide)
Human Information Processing Model (1 slide)
Encode ->Comparison ->Selective Response -> Response execution
Tutorial for the e-courseware
Drag and drop game : Users are supposed to drag and drop the correct answers into the respective squares.
Quiz to allow users to be tested on, quiz will be done using flash. Only the quiz page is without the chatbox. Arrow key for the next question will be enable once the learner click an answer.
Step 2:
Topic: Human Computer Interaction (HCI) - Cognitive Psychology
To educate students on how the mind process information.
To allow students to apply and demonstrate what they have learned into projects and assessment.
Student must state clearly the target audience for the ID project package you are designing.
I will be designing an educational website for the Temasek Polytechnic's Interactive Media Informatics (IMI) students, majority are aged 17-19. I think that the general mindset for IMI students is that learning anything that is related to psychology is hard, especially anything that have lots of theory and lots of memorizing to do. Therefore, i want to design a ID project on Human Computer Interaction (HCI) on Cognitive Psychology, i want to challenge myself into creating an interesting thing to change the mindset of learners that learning and memorizing theories can be really fun and interesting.
Description of content that is relevant to the target audience?
Tentative plan on what content is to be in the e-courseware, there might be some add on.
Lecture slides which contain text and graphics
Quiz/Tutorial worksheet using hot potatoes
Quiz/Tutorial worksheet using hot potatoes
A drag and drop game.
Will it interest that target audience?
In a certain way, it will interest the target audience, teenagers think that the better way in learning is the short and easy way, they prefer to see than to read and does not like to read wordiness slides.
It might be possible that the slides will follow the Cognitive Psychology theory on chunking which refers to 7+/- 2 items. Bullet Point/Images and things found on each slides will follow to the theory of chunking, thus allowing the audience to be able to remember information clearly.
Secondly, Colors of fonts and emphasis on important information. Color of the fonts should be consistent and when there's an important point, emphasis should be made like using bold/ underline or by changing the color of the important information to catch the learner's attention.
Thirdly, pictures, images and videos can catch the learners’ attention.
Will the target audience benefit?
I believe that the target audience will benefit from learning something from the e-course material after completion as they will know more on how the mind processes information and how they can design something that allows viewers to retain information in their memory.
Need Assessment:
Describe the general topic for which they wish to develop to an instructional program
The general topic I wish to develop into an instructional program is for Human Computer Interaction aka HCI, but would like to focus on a specific topic on cognitive psychology - Memory.
Describe who the learners are. Include any relevant learner's characteristic
Polytechnic students aged 17-19 who are learning Human Computer Interaction(HCI). They might feel that learning a topic on cognitive psychology would be difficult but in actual fact, it would be an easy subject to learn if they have the discipline and motivation in learning. Learners at these ages vary from being lazy or being hardworking and they are influential to their friends.
The psychology of the teenagers. Firstly, the attention span of a teenager could be in a range of how long they can pay attention to one lecture or not. It is a matter of whether the students are discipline or not. If they are discipline they could stay focus throughout the whole lesson.
Describe the instructional need - what learners can't do that they want they to be able to do.
Learners at this age can be distracted by their friends or by the gadgets around us, I hope that the e-course material will catch their attention and make them interested and focus in learning.
Describe why they think the need can be addressed by instruction
Different learners learn differently. Some learners might learn fast while others might take a longer time to absorb what is being taught. Instruction that is imparted from something such as e-learning software or material will allow the learners to pay more attention to the slides. Self-motivation is the key in independent learning from an e-courseware to be a success.
Summary description of the learning need
The learners need to understand cognitive psychology in order to understand how the human mind process information. In the future, it will be useful for the students, as they need to consider these factors when designing websites or application for people, they are able to consider things that will have an impact on the person’s memory. They are to learn the materials via the e-courseware.
Goals Description and Statement:
Describe the learner that they want to accomplish their goal
There are different learners and different learning styles. Instead of reading boring text and learning boring and wordy theories, some learners prefer hands-on learning. Therefore, interactivity is important as learners would prefer that they are facing a program that is interactive instead of just like a “typical” online lecture.
Describe what the learners should be able to do
At the end of the e-learning session, the learners should be able to understand how the human mind works. The examples on what the learners are to think about are, firstly, how the website does catch people attention? Secondly, what is the thing that allows the viewer to retain information from the website, through chunking or repetitive rehearsals?
Describe the context in which learner will attempt to accomplish the goal
In order for the learners to accomplish the goals, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is needed. Learners need to find that what are their intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are. If its extrinsic motivation, are the learners trying to get an A for the subject or if its intrinsic motivation, are the learners learning for their own benefit?
Describe the tools that will be available to the learner
The available tools that will be available to the learners are lectures slides and quizzes that have answers once completion. So that once the learners encounter any problems, they can refer to the materials.
Describe how they would tell that the learners accomplished the goal
Learners learned something when they put their heart into the lesson and do their best, as many would say "no pain, no gain" or "you reap what you sow". In order to tell that the learners have accomplished the goal, there is an activity for the learners to get feedback, it could be a test using hot potatoes.
Meaningful, worthwhile goal statement that includes the four components: Learners, goal, context and available tools
In learning HCI topic on cognitive psychology, I believe that the learners could accomplish their goals of understanding how people process information and the memory system by using the available tools that are provided.
Step 1: Evaluation on Educational Website
Website 1:
Funbrain is a website catered to primary school and kindergarten students as they will be learning basic mathematics and basic English. The color of the website is suitable for the target audience as it bright in colors like white, blue and yellow. Graphics of cartoons make the learners interested in the website thus they are able to learn something at the end.
Only Problem with this website is the links/Navigation. I think that they are misleading? Is there a difference between math arcade, fun arcade, playground and all games? I think it's all games and if they put fun arcade won't they give an impression that the other links are not fun to go into?
This website caters games and level of learning in different category
Catered by which level are the learners are at.
To summarized,
No Registration or Login require to access
Good graphics and image to attract the learners and to keep the learners interested.
Short and detailed description, learners are able to understand the description.
Suitable color for the target audience.
Organized learning material by education levels
Links can be misleading and misunderstood.
Did the website successfully meet the needs of its target audience? -- Yes, Young learners will be interested in learning when they visit this site as it has the appropriate colors, graphics and it is not too wordy.
Website 2:
The website BBC is catering to their main target audience which is the adults. Color is consistent between pages. The color of the website which is blue, dark blue and white is suitable for the target audience. Picture are relevant for people to who are illiterate or partial color blind. The woman reading a book is English and the man who is using a gigantic calculator is math and it does not show colors such as red, green.
The Quick Resource finder allows user to find things on the website easier, thus allowing them to feel that navigation around the website will be easier, that will increase their motivation in learning from the website as they don't need to get frustrated when they are unable to find the thing they needed.
English or Math, the users of the website are able to differentiate by the pictures if they are illiterate or by reading the text.
Match between real world and system.
This allows the users of the website to navigate around the website easily and understand what are the links for.
Caters to people who wants to learn english, there are a lot of examples such as reading, writing, spelling, word grammar, sentence grammar and speaking and listening.
Once click on reading, the users are able to click on which entry they want and what level they want to try out. There are videos, quiz and games of different levels. These will allow users to take their own time learning and different levels.
An example will be the quiz, the image above shows it's level 1, the quiz allow the learners of the website to test on what they have learn. Assessment is important in an educational website as it gives feedback to the users/learners on how much they have scored. If fail at least they can go back to the topic and read on parts they don't understand.
A Mathematics Game
There are help, how to play, re-start and next button. This allows the user to understand the game easily, Help and documentation: Allow users to get help when in need, this also includes how to play, as some users are not really experts in using the computer or the software the how to play can instruct users on how to play the game.
To Summarized,
Pros: No registration required.
Easy Navigation.
Quiz, Video, Games are Provided.
Quiz have different difficulty levels.
Short Description, Image are provided for those who can't read.
Navigation like next is obvious.
Help, How to use, restart button allows users to use the program easily
Colors are suitable for all ages not only adults and does not give the impression that this is a kid website.
Search function is provided.
Cons: No Cons
Did the website successfully meet the needs of its target audience? -- Yes, the target audience is able to understand on how to navigate throughout the website thus allowing them to learn at a pace instead of worrying on how to navigate around. There are games, videos, quiz that allow users to learn and be tested on.